At Converse, opportunities don’t just happen. 我们创造了它们. From our professors who put you in the middle of it all – research, 现实世界的经验, personal guidance – to our student life 和 career advisement teams – we surround you with what you need to be ready for both today 和 tomorrow.
Here’s what you need to know
我们的学费 is lower than the cost of many other private Upstate SC institutions. You’ll complete your college career in a timely manner 和 without spending extra for additional years of school.
95% of Converse’s students receive some form of need-based 和/or achievement-based 金融援助. We are committed to ensuring that a high-quality, private education is within your reach.
我们的 第一天准备计划 program ensures traditional undergraduate students will have most of the required textbooks 和 course materials for classes by the first day at no additional charge since these costs are covered as part of tuition.
With lower tuition, your 金融援助 和 scholarship dollars will stretch farther.
Converse believes in the value of our education 和 where it will take you. As part of the 保证交谈, we guarantee all undergraduate, full-time students will graduate from Converse in four years. If you don’t, the rest of your classes needed to complete your degree will be free.
We also guarantee you will be employed full-time or enrolled in graduate school within six months of graduation, or be eligible to return to Converse for a year tuition-free.
了解更多有关 保证交谈.
As a test-optional school, your ACT or SAT test scores are not required as part of the admissions application process. If you feel your scores are a good reflection of your ability you are more than welcome to submit them as part of your file. However, it is not an admissions requirement. For students who have not taken the TOEFL, Converse will also accept the Duolingo English test. 问你的 招生顾问 欲知详情.
What Type of Student Are You?
Located in Spartanburg, SC, Converse is a close-knit community with an awesome belief in one another. 用我们不寻常的低 9:1的师生比例, our students experience a personalized education 和 the tools they need to be successful both today 和 in the future. Come 访问 us – virtually or in person – 和 see for yourself.
Attend a Converse Preview Day
Converse preview days answer many of your questions with student 和 faculty panels 和 in-depth information on 金融援助, 住房, 研究旅游, 和更多的.
我们的 admissions counselors are ready to answer any questions you may have about the admissions process, 金融援助, 和更多的.
Assistant Director of 招生
S. 菲斯
Associate Director of 招生
Assistant Director of 招生
Director of New Student Experiences & 转换
A Note to Prospective 和 Current Converse Students
Converse is committed to ensuring that new students who intend to enroll at our college are considered fairly in light of the educational interruption they have endured due to the COVID-19 p和emic. No student admitted to Converse will have their admission rescinded due to changes in grading policy or the inability to complete their coursework, so long as they still graduate. Students who 应用 to our institution are still subject to a review process that focuses on one’s ability to succeed in college but now recognizes that some situations are beyond their control. We look forward to supporting students 和 high schools through this challenging time, both now 和 with future graduating classes impacted by the p和emic.
电话: 864.596.9040
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday - 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Evenings 和 weekends by appointment.
研究生 Admission Office (MAT, MIM, MM, MEd, MLA, MMFT, EdD, EdS)